Five Russian Folk Songs for Piano 4-Hands by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
As a young composer, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was invited by a publisher to arrange 50 Russian folk songs for piano 4-hands. Over a period of two years, Tchaikovsky did just that, providing pianists with a beautiful set of minature duets. The five pieces in this collection can be played by early-to-late intermediate level pianists and provide beautiful opportunities for projecting a range of emotions.
This interactive edition, produced by Paul Sheftel and George Litterst, comes with historical commentary and MIDI recordings of separate hands for both primo and secondo.
Five Russian Folk Songs for Piano 4-Hands
—from 50 Russian Folk Songs (50 русских народных песен), TH 176
—composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
- No. 7 The Tower is Not Yet Built (Не тесам терен)
- No. 11 My Green Vineyard (Зеленое мое, ты виноградье)
- No. 14 It Isn’t Drink Thats Muddling My Head (Не хмель мою головушку клонит)
- No. 16 O Sing Not, Dear Nightingale (Не пой, не пой, соловушко)
- No. 48 At the Gate (У ворот, ворот)
Includes facsimile page from Tchaikovsky’s manuscript and historical commentary.
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