

Preludes, Interludes, and a Postlude by Paul Sheftel  Cover Art
Preludes, Interludes, and a Postlude by Paul Sheftel  Super Score Sample

Preludes, Interludes, and a Postlude by Paul Sheftel

This album contains 12 intriguing studies for intermediate and late intermediate level pianists. Each represents a separate and distinctive musical and pianistic style. These fun works are designed to challenge the pianist while providing musical and pianistic recreation. Study notes and MIDI performances by the composer are included!

Use these pieces with an acoustic or digital piano and enjoy the composer’s model performances!


  • Ballade
  • Droplets
  • Fleeting Thoughts
  • Guts
  • Postlude
  • Preblude
  • Prelude I
  • Prelude II
  • Prelude III
  • Scales
  • Tango
  • You’re Welcome

Enjoy these examples of music playback in SuperScore!

Preludes, Interludes, and a Postlude in SuperScore
